Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Most Common Questions

What you may be wondering

What is counseling?
Counseling can enhance your self-awareness, foster personal growth, and improve your relationships. It can help you identify and strengthen your positive qualities, provide support during times of transition, help you become more conscious of how your history, perceptions, feelings, attitudes and behavior patterns influence how you interact with others and move through the world.
Do I need counseling?
If you're not feeling like yourself, facing emotional difficulties, struggling in your relationships, having trouble managing your daily stress, or seeking personal growth or self-improvement, counseling can provide valuable support and guidance. If you're contemplating whether or not you need therapy, it may be an indication that giving it a try could be helpful.
How long is therapy?
Clients typically meet with me once a week for 50 or 90 minutes. The overall duration of therapy varies from client to client and is influenced by several variables, including your personal history, the concerns you bring to therapy, your objectives, your ongoing progress, and the strength of the therapeutic connection between you and me as your thrapist.
What does it cost?
My fees are set at $100 for a 50-minute session and $150 for a 90-minute session. I accept most major credit and debit cards, cash, and HSA/FSA cards.
Do you take insurance?
While I'm out-of-network with insurance, I am happy to provide you with a superbill for potential reimbursement.
What if I can't afford it?
As a mental health provider, I am committed to increasing access to counseling services. Therefore, I offer a sliding scale (reduced fee) option on a limited basis.