Starting Fresh in 2024: Embracing Intentionality

December 13, 2023by Emi Long

As the new year approaches, many of us find ourselves making resolutions and setting goals for the months ahead. We spend time reflecting on the past and anticipating the future. Frequently, however, we witness our resolutions gradually losing traction as the year passes on. Experiencing positive change and lasting transformation requires intentionality. And this year, I’d invite you to challenge yourself to embrace intentionality. Let’s explore the value of being intentional and a few practical tips to support you in making 2024 your most meaningful year yet.

What does it mean to be intentional?

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, intention is defined as what one intends to do or bring about. Being intentional, in a general sense, refers to the quality of being purposeful or deliberate. It relates to the idea of having a clear and calculated goal or purpose in our thoughts and actions. The implication is that our behaviors and decisions are driven by a conscious intention, as opposed to pure accident or carelessness. Being intentional allows you to design and step into the life you want. We can be intentional about who we want to be and how we want to show up in our lives and in our relationships.

How do we live more intentionally?

Determine Your WHY:

A good place to start when it comes to intentionality is figuring out the “why” behind your desires for purposeful action. We can begin by becoming curious about our motivations and priorities. What is driving your desire for transformation this year? Why do you want to make changes? Determining your motivations can help you set more meaningful and attainable goals. Goals more aligned with your authentic values and passions allow you to stay focused and motivated. Spend some time reflecting on what’s important to you by thinking about where you’re spending your time and energy—this can give you some insight into your values and desires.

Be Concise with Your Intentions and Break Them into Manageable Parts:

When our intentions are too vague or too overwhelming, it’s hard to realize them. Set very clear and specific desires for yourself. Instead of having the intention to “spend more time with loved ones”, try “spend 5 minutes a day talking to a loved one on the phone”. Notice how the latter intention incorporates a specific and manageable timeframe (5 minutes). Breaking down your big goals into smaller, specific steps can help them feel easier to attain. This also allows you to celebrate the smaller victories along the way, which keeps you energized and motivated.

Visualize Your Intentions:

There’s power in visualizing your goals and intentions. Writing down your goals, or even creating a vision board allows you to see your intentions in front of you, which can serve as an incredible motivator. I would encourage you to carefully determine and then consistently visualize your intentions for the new year.

Keep Track of Your Progress:

Writing down our intentions and goals can be helpful, as well as writing down and keeping track of our progress. You can type out your progress in your phone, write it in a journal, or even use an app. This practice helps you keep up with how your intentions are progressing and will inform you as to whether or not modifications need to be made.

Embrace Adaptability and Flexibility:

Throughout your journey, things may come up that throw a wrench in your plans and intentions. In these moments, it’s important to strengthen your adaptability and flexibility muscles. Intentionality does not require perfection or rigidity. It requires an openness to adapt to challenges based on how you want to show up in your life.

Show Yourself Some Love:

Make sure to take care of yourself along the way. Take time to check-in with how you are feeling and carve out time for self-care. Maybe that means going on a walk, sipping some hot tea, reading a good book, or taking a bath. Whatever self-care looks like for you, make sure you’re being intentional about taking care of you. It’s a lot easier to handle and cope with life’s inevitable challenges when your emotional tank is filled up.


As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024, let’s intentionally take time out to determine what we want for ourselves. Exploring our values, needs and desires allows us to understand our reasons for change. From there we can define our intentions, set manageable goals and purposefully take steps to achieve the fulfilling life we’ve always wanted. Perfection is not the goal. It’s about progress. It’s about the continuous pursuit of living your life in a way that aligns with your most authentic self.

Here’s to a new year filled with intention. Where will you take your life in 2024?